

Posted on 2014-06-01






Posted on 2014-05-28





だから私はいつも 「そうは思わん」 と言っていた。



私もまた、今、「そう思う」 から。



English information

Posted on 2014-05-24

Mt Kajigamori

Kajigamori Mountain stands at 1399 meters in Otoyo town in Kochi prefecture. It has been particularly popular, visited by many people since long time ago. You can drive to the summit by car, though the mountain’s spectacular nature is best enjoyed when hiking to the top.


標高1399mの梶ヶ森 は高知県大豊町にある。昔から多くの人に親しまれてきた。頂上まで車で登れる山であるが、歩いて登ると自然の醍醐味が味わえる山である。


Ryu-oh-no Taki (Dragon King Waterfall)

Located at the foot of Kajigamori, Ryu-oh-no Taki (Dragon King Waterfall), is one of the 100 selected waterfalls in Japan. The scenery is captivating with crystal clear water dropping 20 meters from a huge rock surrounded by ancient cedar trees creating a serene and cool environment even in the summer.





The Legend of Ryu-oh-no Taki (the Dragon King Waterfall)

Once upon a time, in a village in the Sagayama area downstream of the waterfall, a beautiful young woman seeks to lodge in for the night. A host accepted but he was asked by the woman not to check her room during the night. However being suspicious and curious, the host broke his promise and looked into the woman’s room but to his surprise instead of a woman he saw a big serpent. The next morning the woman thanked the host for his hospitality and left. The host followed her, only to realize that her journey ended in the waterfall. After that the host fell seriously sick. The legend was created that the serpent woman is the spirit that lives in and haunts Ryu-oh-no Taki ( the Dragon King Waterfall).





Tosa Red Cow

Tosa Red Cow is a rare variety of brown colored cattle that is bred in the mountain side of Kochi prefecture, with only 500-600 animals being bred every year. The breed is a cross between the Swiss Simmental cattle and a Korean breed, and were first imported as ploughing animals in the middle of Meiji era (late 19th century). Tosa Red Cow is suitable for the Kochi environment with plenty of sunlight and abundance of steep slopes on the mountain side. As agriculture was being industrialized and cows replaced by machines, the breed was being developed for its meat and in 1944, it was certified as a Japanese beef cattle (Akagawashu).


土佐あかうしは高知県の山間部を中心に飼育されている褐色の毛色をした牛で、年間500~600頭しか出荷されていない貴重な品種。 その品種はスイスシンメンタールと韓牛を交配させたもので明治時代の半ばから田畑の使役牛として輸入された。 土佐あかうしは日射しが強く急斜面の多い高知に適していて、大切に飼われてた。その後、農耕の機械化により肉用牛として改良が重ねられ、昭和19年に「褐毛和種(あかげわしゅ)」として認定された。






Posted on 2014-05-23



